Monday, March 15, 2010

Amsterdam and Bruges trip

On Friday we left for Amsterdam at 5:15 am, we got on the bus around 6:20 to Dover to take a ferry from Dover to Calais. From Calais we drove through Belgium to the Netherlands. Finally after about 12 hours we arrived in Amsterdam. First we went on a boat cruise of the canal which was really nice and Amsterdam is really a beautiful city. I was shocked to see how many people were out riding bikes, literally EVERYONE there rides bikes, they even have bike parking garages instead of car parking garages. After the tour we went to our hostel, which ended up being upstairs from a bar. Our hostel was decent, but ofcourse I still slept over the covers with a hood on and a towel on my pillow just incase of lice or bed bugs. Then we went on a tour of the Red Light district, which was definitely an experience and slightly disturbing. After that we went out for chinese food for dinner and had a waffle with fruit and whipped cream for dessert. Then we went to the bar in our hostel and went to bed.

On Saturday we woke up early to go to a clog making factory and a cheese making factory. They were both really cool. Then we went to the Anne Frank house which was really sad but it was really interesting to see what the annex actually looked like because I read her diary so it was unreal to see what her life was actually like. For lunch we went to a pancake place where they had savory and sweet pancakes, I had a ham and cheese pancake that was really good (they were more like crepes). Then we went back to the hotel and went souvenir shopping and got ready for dinner. We went to a traditional dutch restaurant for dinner where I had pea soup (but ofcourse it didn't compare to Mammy's). Then we went on a Pub Crawl (where you go with a group to many different bars during the night) we only went to 4 of the bars and then decided to go back to the hostel because the bars were so crowded because there were 100+ people on the pub crawl with us.

On Sunday we left in the morning for Bruges. We only spent a few hours there but it was really beautiful and quaint. We had lunch there and all got belgian waffles which were supeior to dutch waffles. Then we went to a beglian chocolate factory on the way home and prepared for a long journey back to London. It was a really fun trip!

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