Thursday, January 21, 2010

1st day at my internship

Today was my first day interning at Collingham. I absolutely love it! I got in at 8:15 and recieved my schedule. I'll be working Monday 8:45-12:30, Tuesday 1:30-4:00, Wednesday 8:45-4:00, Thursday 8:45-4:00 and Friday 8:45-4:00. However, I only need 20 hours a week so I will be able to take of Fridays and Monday mornings on weekends when I am going away. Today I worked with the oldest group which was a group of 3 boys. They were all very well behaved surprisingly and really fun to work with. In the morning I read through the kids files and they made me a cup of tea. Then when the school day began, we went on a walk around town and then I had a 30 minute break. Then the kids had English class where they were writing descriptive animal poems and then I sat in on a meeting. Then I had an hour long lunch break and then we went to the Thames River to look for ancient artifacts in the mud with the middle and oldest classes until the end of the day. So far it's been really easy and the kids are really great and excited to ask me questions about what America is like. I'm looking forward to going back on Monday!

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