Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Class and Interview

Monday was my first day of class and my internship interview. We arrived at CAPA (our school) early to sign up for walking tours, so I’m going on the Jack the Ripper tour, the Beatles tour and I’m also going on the London eye (which is a HUGE ferris wheel in which you can see the entire city of London). Then I had my first class which was Child Development in a British Context, it seems good but really intense and our 3 hour classes are going to go by REALLY SLOW, but atleast I only have them once a week. However, I also found out that our classes here won’t affect our gpas which will be nice. During my Child development class I had my interview so I had to leave an hour into class and go to St. Mary’s hospital which is right down the street from where I live. It was a group interview with 5 girls and my friend Danielle was in it too. The woman was really nice and it was laid back it was really just to place us in one of 4 hospital schools based on our interests. I was placed in Collingham which is a school at an inpatient psychiatric hospital, with children with severe psychological disorders and this school is their last chance at an education (a lot of the students have conduct disorder), so it will definitely be challenging but should be good for my major. I set up a meeting there for later this week and I will start probably next week. After the interview we had to go back to CAPA for our Leadership seminar for our Internship class.

On Tuesday, I woke up at 8 and left the flat at 8:50 for my 10:00 class just to be safe on my first time taking the tube alone. However, our normal line was messed up and wasn’t running so after waiting 15 minutes before I figured that out, and I ended up having to take 3 trains to get there and finally arrived at CAPA at 9:50 so luckily I wasn’t late for my class. My class was 20th Century British History and it seems really good and the teacher is nice. When I got out of class I went to a travel fair and found where my internship is (fortunately it’s just a 2 minute walk from CAPA- some people’s internships are up to 2 hours away from where they live!). At night, 7 of the 8 girls in our flat went to Imperial College (which is a nearby college that we have access to their student union) and went to a bar there. It was a lot of fun. We were all drinking pints of cider and a British guy we were all talking to told us that apparently that drinking pints is unladylike and girls here actually just drink white wine or mixed drinks at pubs, meanwhile we were all doing it to try to fit in. It was a really fun night and Wednesday I don’t have any class or anything since my internship hasn’t started yet!

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