Friday, April 23, 2010

Last Day at Collingham

Thursday was my last day at my internship, and also the best day. I'm really sad to be leaving Collingham, I loved working with the teaching staff there and I loved the kids! I was nervous working there at first because they had made it seem like the kids were going to be really out of control and crazy, and believe me, they were sometimes. But what they didnt tell me was how sweet the kids were and how much you really grow to care about them and how close you'll get to them. Unfortunately, because of confidentiality I couldn't take pictures of my kids but they were all the sweetest kids I've ever met. They presented me with a card during the last session we all had together and went around in a circle saying things they would miss about me. They said really cute things. Some of it was just "I'll really miss you", one kid said "Wait, if you're leaving you wont be able to be in my advert when we film it and you've been wearing the glasses I like everyday just incase we do it", another said "I like that you like Eminem as much as me, and you're the only one at Collingham who likes him and I like when you rap with me". They kept trying to find out my last name so they could friend me on facebook and we decided I would skype with the class once I get home. One of the kids as he was saying goodbye asked "When are you coming back?" and I told him I wasn't and he was like "Well what about in a few years?" and I said maybe but he wouldnt be there then and he was really upset. After saying goodbye to the kids Clem, one of the teaching assistants invited me to go to the park with the teachers later for a goodbye party for me (they always invite me to go out for drinks with them but its always on a day when I'm leaving for a trip). When I went upstairs Caroline (the teacher in my classroom) presented me with a card that all the teachers had wrote really nice personal messages in it and a gift of different British candies and a note pad and pens. When I was saying goodbye to Miranda (one of the teachers who couldnt make it to my goodbye party because she had dinner plans) she told me that I put all the other interns they had to shame and said a lot of nice things to me about it. Jo (another teacher who couldnt go to the party) gave me a hug and thanked me for all my hard work. It was really nice to have such a big goodbye and it made me really sad to leave. Then Caroline, Fred, Clem, Anthony, Chris and I went to Tesco to buy wine and crisps and went to Kensington Gardens for a few hours and drank wine and sat in the park and talked. It was a lot of fun and made me feel like a colleague not just an intern and also just like I was hanging out with my friends. It was really nice and made me really sad to leave! When I left they all hugged me goodbye and I went to the CAPA departing dinner which was also really nice. I sat with all the girls in my flat and we had a nice dinner. It was a great end to a great semester. I'll be really sad to leave!

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